Put aside the added responsibility, the added stress of having to worry about things that used to be mom and dad's job and growing up isn't such a bad thing. I used to think that it was impossible or maybe just a gift I wasn't given, to feel confident in myself. I was guilty of wasting the time comparing myself to everyone else and always falling short. You wouldn't believe the parade of perfect people that I've seen throughout my 26 years. :) I didn't think, necessarily, that people disliked me but merely were unaware of my existence. I was too awkward, too quiet, too weird.
It's been a long learning process and I'm far from over but growing up has taught me that we are all more alike than we think. Everyone is too awkward or too weird, fighting their own weaknesses and having little victories here and there. Growing up, I have learned that I like me. I know that I'm socially awkward, not a good student, and terribly indecisive. I also know that I am a good person, a thoughtful friend, and pretty good with the little ones. Getting older (I know, I'm just sooo old) does have some drawbacks but not many cause I kinda like liking me!
Have I really screwed up my humility this time? maybe