Sunday, January 24, 2010

Maybe a little obsessed!

I've always been a little afraid of what people think of me putting too much value into what others thought of me. I only say that because I just figured that if I admitted how much I love TV people would just assume that meant I was pretty darn lazy. Maybe that's true but now I'm willing to admit, I love TV. I don't just watch anything for the sake of watching but when I find a show worth my time I watch it to near obsession. I just started watching Robin Hood from the BBC and LOVE it, maybe even a little too much.

Who can resist great accents and some good looking honorable men :) If that's not your thing that's okay but if it is you should maybe check it out.
Just so I don't give more credit to one of four favorite shows here are a few others that I like just a little too much

So there you have it, my little secrets :)

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

What I'm Looking For

I just saw this on someone's blog and really liked it. I want someone that can truthfully say that to me. I'm taking a Marriage Relationships class this semester (not in preparation for anything mind you) and we talked about this last night in our class. We made a list of the must haves in a relationship. Without putting quiet so nicely this is what was at the top of my list.
I know I have faults and lots of them, it's unrealistic that I will find someone that sees me as flawless and in reality I wouldn't want that, but someone that loved things about me that I didn't, someone that saw me for more than I see in myself. Someone that loved me and made me feel important and special and needed for who I am. Guys that can't do that need not apply (as if there is a waiting list, hahaha)!!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Is anyone out there?

So since I've been so busy on my vacation doing practically nothing and not getting bored with it I've been trying to give my blog a facelift. As you may notice I have a new background which I like but I'm not sure I love yet. That's about as far as I've gotten, as far as I've been able to understand. This is even after dedicating several hours to it. How do people make their blogs so cute and unique?

One of the things I was able to add though was a clicker. A little thing at the bottom of the page that counts how many visitors I have. To my shock and amazement that number seems to be growing. I didn't know people actually looked at this thing. I do know a couple of people but according to my clicker it's more than I expected. Knowing this I might do some things a little different.

There is a zone between a whiner and complainer and pretending the world is perfect and there can't possibly be anything wrong with my life. It's the reality zone where good things happen and life is good but some days are bad days and sometimes life just stinks. Lately I think I have been leaning more toward the whining and complaining and not really looking at the good things in life. So here is one of my goals this year, look at what is good, find the blessings and have more patience and faith in the down times. That's what's going to make this year a great year.

And if your reading this, thanks for taking the time. It makes me feel a little special that people might actually be interesting in reading about my life :)