Wednesday, September 8, 2010

A Travesty for Sure!!

I have become more of a normal person!! I know poor me. Just a few post ago I was saying how I didn't like my summer vacations and I liked working so I could have a schedule. I don't know what it was that changed but something did so subtly I didn't even notice until I went back to work. Since that fateful day everything inside me screams NNNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!! whenever I drive up to the school and lasts at least until lunchtime. 
I've always been one to love my job and by love I mean LLLOOOVVVEEE my job! I'm always sad when school gets out in May and count down the days till it starts again in August. Not this year. I counted down the days till school got out in May and was sad when school started up again in August. 
Just as every day gets better as it goes on I'm sure the year will get better as it goes. I should try not to be so feisty and I'm sure that will help. I'll report more later when I'm sure life will be happier and once again I will love my job!

1 comment:

Danny and Shannan said...

Amen to that!!! love your post!!!!! ;)