Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What Makes Me Tick

So I did this on Facebook once and thought it was really fun to think of random things people probably don't know about me. Although this blog is filled with a lot more intimate details of my life than are contained in this list I enjoy coming up with them anyway. I thought I'd start out with my favorite number, 85, and go from there. I kid! I wouldn't do that to you all in one post so here is 25.
1. I love rainy days and Mondays. 
2. I like playing things by ear but at the same time like to have a schedule
3. I love spring time but there is something comforting about fall
4. My biggest pet peeve is people that have no consideration for others
5. I like being talked into things because I love a good adventure but am too big of a wimp to do it on my own
6. How my handwriting looks is important to me. Bad handwriting drives me crazy
7. I love getting to know new people even though I'm not very good at it
8. I love shopping
9. I love old movies, especially anything with Cary Grant
10. If everyone likes something it usually turns me off and I won't like it even if I try
11. Ecuador has and always will have a special hold on my heart
12. I lack self confidence in pretty much any aspect of my life which I think is part of the reason why I have a hard talking loudly
13. I am a dreamer. Literally. I rarely have a night that I don't dream but I've never had a nightmare
14. I like people to be straight forward even though I will most definitely go home and cry. It is better to know where you stand than play the games
15. I have a major fear of hurting people's feelings or making them uncomfortable so unfortunately I'm not able to be as straight forward as I'd like to be
16. I am a hopeless romantic. I always look for and believe in a happy ending
17. I don't do very well in large groups, socially. I'm much better one on one
18. My favorite color is pink but I secretly love the color orange. The red-orange crayon is my favorite crayon in the box
19. My favorite flowers are tulips and daffodils
20. I have a very random memory. I can remember some things exactly how they were and other things not at all. For this reason I can't memorize things
21. My least favorite question people ask is about what kind of music I like. I honestly don't know! It depends on the song and I can't remember song names or artists for anything
22. I have never broken a bone but I have had stitches twice, one of which was after I caught my nose on a vacuum
23. I have phone phobia. I like getting phone calls but panic if I have to call any one, even my closest friends. That's why I love texting
24. I prefer hanging out with guys more than girls, less drama , more easy going random fun.
25. My favorite thing when I go to a restaurant is getting a fun drink

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