Tuesday, October 11, 2011

LGA Day 14

Someplace You Want to Travel

Such a loaded question. Really it should be where do I have no desire to visit? The top of my list would be the following

    I want to visit the UK so much. Is it the accents, the culture, the scenery? I don't know, but I would very much like to find out. Scotland is where I would want to go more than anything. Someday I will get there.

  If you took Scotland off the table, my dream vacation would be India. I think it would be amazing to go there. I would like to meet the Indian people.
But, if I came into some money as tempting as these places would be I think I would head straight back to Ecuador. I think it would be weird going back as a tourist rather than a missionary. It makes me nervous that I would be disappointed but I can't wait to go back to see the people that I grew close to and the places that hold so many good memories. I dream of going back here.

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